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"Robin has had a huge impact on the value I put on my services. She always pushes me to see the impact my coaching and training will have and how that is also highly valuable in monetary terms. For a recent workshop I hosted, I earned an additional $500 only because Robin encouraged me to charge a higher fee. Now I have been asked to provide an additional, longer workshop and have already set a higher price for my next quote.
Furthermore, Robin has been hugely helpful in finding the right next steps to take, even when I felt overwhelmed and had little time to invest in my business. I was able to progress consistently towards my goal which I'm coming close to reaching despite a heavy workload in my job. I'm so grateful for Robin's support and wisdom that she has achieved through her own incredible journey."
Beate Sifkovits, Founder of ALL BOSS
Award-Winning Business Mindset Coach, Dubai, UAE

“I began consulting with Dr. Robin Inwald when conducting psychological screening for first responders, police and firefighters. Dr. Inwald’s advice and guidance helped me meet high professional standards and I’m grateful for her open-hearted guidance and support.”
Paschal Baute, Ed.D. author of Awesome Journeys and Win-Win Finesse

“Taking Robin Inwald’s Emotional Intelligence Assessments, I was struck with the amplitude and thoughtfulness that had gone into the question creation. These assessments enable you to go deep into the assessment taker’s personality, to discover what motivates them, how they react to circumstances, events and other people as well as their underlying beliefs. Going over my results with Robin was thought-provoking and insightful, and I got a new perspective on so many of my beliefs and behavior thanks to her ability to accurately interpret and communicate them. I value the research and experience that has gone into creating this useful tool and most of all, I appreciate the science and experience that have help forge them. I have no hesitation in recommending these assessments.“
Katrine Horn, Life Coach

“A respected expert in her field, Dr. Inwald has made a significant contribution by writing Coping with Crisis in an easy-to-read workbook style. In a worldwide crisis, her many tips, and wisdom gained through experience, are a welcome addition to our stress management toolkits.”
Kenneth R. Cohen, Ph.D., Psychologist, CEO, The Synergy Organization

"I have known Robin Inwald since the late 1990s. When I first met her, her cheerful demeanor belied all the loss and trauma she has experienced. As that was revealed to me gradually, I was impressed and inspired by her ability to cope and use humor to roll with the punches. Also, she is one of the smartest people I have ever met. She is one of my lodestones as I face my own challenges. Thanks to Robin distilling her hard-won wisdom into her Coping with Crisis book, she can become one of yours, too."
Alexis Artwohl, Ph.D. co-author of Deadly Force Encounters

"Dr. Robin Inwald is a mentor to a generation of police psychologists and public safety psychologists. She has paved the way for psychologists like me. She has forgotten more than some of us have learned. I cannot count the number of times I’ve come to her with a concern and she’s been able to provide me with valuable insight.”
Tammy McCoy-Arballo, Psy.D.
Diplomate, Police Psychology (SPCP)
Clinical Forensic Psychologist

“Not just highly intelligent, but a creative, out of the box thinker, as well as a multi-talented lady — That’s how I would describe Robin Inwald. Dr. Inwald is someone who is able to focus on a challenging situation and come up with solutions. She enjoys helping others. I wish Dr. Inwald continued success in all her endeavors.”
Phyllis Kivel, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

“We have used your assessment for years and we will not do a pre-employment evaluation without it, it is so useful. Please let me know if you have any other resources we can use. I would love to hear more.”
Alexandra Tsang, Director
Kane County Diagnostic Center
P.S. “I mean it that I won’t do a pre-employment evaluation without the Inwald – we have done hundreds in the last five years alone so I can’t even imagine how many we’ve done over the span of many many years.”

"I've used Dr. Robin Inwald's surveys and have found her instruments to be among the best on the market. Clients who I've counseled in my private practice have found her ICCQ, IPPI, IAS and IPS ("relationship tests") to provide important information and helpful assistance in the selection of compatible mates."
E.E. "Grif" Griffith, Ph.D. Stuart, Florida
"I've known Dr. Robin Inwald for 12 years and have been very impressed with her personality test development skills. Her instruments are effective and will help to open new avenues of communication. By accurately identifying problem areas, her surveys will benefit those seeking to improve their relationships." Dick Meza, Department of Psychology, Chapman University College, Orange, California
"As part of our ongoing educational process we will be placing a new ad in various assessment and psychological journals. This ad will simply list the names of 25-50 highly respected assessment psychologists…You were selected as one of those who we would like very much to include." letter from Alan J. Raphael, Ph.D., ABAP, President, American Board of Assessment
"For over 15 years, I have used Dr. Robin Inwald's tests and services. Both the tests and her professional consultations have been invaluable to my practice." Stephen Stillman, Ph.D., Plantation, Florida
"I have known and used Dr. Inwald's excellent assessment services. She is a top notch researcher and I have confidence in her and the instruments she develops." Michael A. Campion, Ph.D., Champaign, IL
"Of the many instruments I have used in my practice over the years, I have always found Robin Inwald's products to be outstanding in terms of clarity of purpose, interpretation and practical application. Keep up the good work! " William Vingiano, Ph.D., Central Psychological Services, Hastings on Hudson, NY
" ... I have used Robin Inwald's personality tests for over 20 years. These tests are well researched, practical, and cost-effective." Daniel C. Claiborn, Ph.D., Overland Park, Kansas
"I want to thank you for the array of wonderful products which (you have) been able to provide to us ... Our own follow-up research over the past 20 years has confirmed the efficacy and utility of these products and I feel confident in recommending them ..If you or any of your customers would like more specific information, please feel free to contact me at anytime." Gerald F. Serafino, Ph.D., Roswell, New Mexico
"We have been using Robin Inwald's tests since 1990. We've always been very pleased with the results as, in most cases, they accurately reflect our clinical impressions." Raul Diaz, Ph.D, Woodlake Psychological Associates, P.A., Lake Worth, Florida